155 research outputs found

    Caracteristicas da usinabilidade de aços inoxidaveis austeniticos SAE 304 e SAE 316 com a variação dos parametros metalurgicos

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnologicoEsta Dissertaçao apresenta uma série de informações a respeito de testes de torneamento longitudinal realizados com o objetivo de verificar as possíveis diferenças de usinabilidade encontradas com as mudanças provocadas de microestrutura e inclusões dos aços inoxidáveis austeníticos SAE 304 e SAE 316. Após a realização de testes de vida da ferramenta, análise de forma de cavaco, análise das forças de usinagem e verificação dos acabamentos superficiais, os aços modificados, com menor tamanho de grão e inclusão de ferrita-delta, apresentaram uma melhoria nos efeitos de usinabilidade

    Fabricação de superfícies de forma livre por fresamento no aço temperado ABNT 420, na liga de alumínio AMP8000 e na liga de cobre Cu-Be

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnológicoEste trabalho identifica as características relevantes de usinabilidade aplicadas ao processo de fresamento de superfícies de forma livre em materiais utilizados nas cavidades de ferramentas de moldagem de plásticos. O espectro dos materiais escolhidos para este estudo é determinado em função da aplicação específica no setor de moldes. Para moldes de média e alta produção, realiza-se o estudo em um aço inoxidável martensítico (ABNT 420), tipicamente utilizado, e verifica-se a possibilidade de usinagem no estado temperado, desde a etapa de desbaste até o acabamento. Para moldes de pequena produção realiza-se o estudo em uma liga de alumínio (AMP8000), de alta resistência mecânica, com crescente aplicação no chão-de-fábrica. Aborda-se também a usinagem da liga de cobre de alta resistência (Cu-Be), utilizada, principalmente, em regiões com necessidade de elevadas condutividades térmicas.Primeiramente, analisam-se as características de contato ferramenta/peça do processo e as influências dos parâmetros de corte com foco sobre a vida da ferramenta, forma de cavaco e potência de corte (Pc) para a etapa de desbaste em 2 ½ eixos e sobre a otimização do acabamento superficial e a diminuição do desvio de forma para a etapa de acabamento em 3 eixos. A partir de então, estuda-se separadamente a usinabilidade dos três materiais, com enfoques distintos, conforme a necessidade de aplicação. Associa-se a pesquisa no aço temperado à compreensão do processo e à identificação de materiais e de geometrias de ferramentas para desbaste e acabamento. Já nos estudos da usinabilidade das ligas de cobre (Cu-Be) e de alumínio (AMP8000) objetiva-se o aumento do rendimento da usinagem, com a possibilidade de aplicação de parâmetros de corte elevados. A respeito do fresamento do aço inoxidável martensítico, conclui-se a necessidade do uso de metal duro da classe K03 com micro-grãos, inclusive em comparação com as ferramentas de CBN. Quanto mais fino o tamanho de grão, maior a tenacidade e resistência ao desgaste do gume. Para o desbaste, recomenda-se o uso de ferramentas de topo reto, multi-cortantes (6 dentes), com ângulo de hélice (?) elevado, de modo que ocorra a sobreposição dos gumes, diminuindo o gradiente de esforços ao longo do corte e com canais rasos, aumentando a estabilidade da ferramenta de corte. O fresamento de cavidades de moldes de aço ABNT 420 realiza-se, necessariamente, em sentido concordante, sem fluido de corte e a programação das estratégias de usinagem deve considerar inicialmente, a redução dos raios de contornos e equiparação dos volumes resultantes das sobremedidas de usinagem. Uma vez realizadas, é possível a utilização de altas velocidades de corte. A respeito do fresamento da liga de cobre (Cu-Be), conclui-se que o espectro de ferramentas utilizadas pode ser o mesmo das empregadas para o aço ABNT 420 e os parâmetros de corte, os mesmos aplicados para aços nessa faixa de dureza (40 HRC). Deve-se realizar o acabamento com fluido de corte para evitar os incovenientes do retorno de cavaco para a superfície usinada

    Competitividade e potencial de crescimento do cluster de moldes para a indústria do plástico em Joinville [Potential growth and competitiveness of the cluster of mold producers at Joinville]

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    The geographic concentration of firms has been successful recently in many ways: international competitiveness of these firms, regional income's growth, etc. The Italian industrial districts are the case with major relevance at the international literature. At Joinville there are a significant geographic concentration of mold producers for plastic industry. When the geographic concentration of firms is a cluster the potential growth and competitiveness of the firms are increased. This paper investigates if this geographic concentration of firms is a cluster. If it is, its potential of growth and of competitiveness is studied. The result is that the geographic concentration of mold producers at Joinville is a cluster and has significant potential for growth. However this cluster is less developed and less competitive when compared with the main mold's clusters of the world.cluster; Joinville; mold; competitiveness

    Influential Factors for Hospital Management Maturity Models in a post-Covid-19 scenario - Systematic Literature Review

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    The importance of Maturity Models in the health area was proven to support, monitor and direct health organizations to better plan and execute to their investments and developments. In this work, two reviews of the literature were collected: one of them focuses on identifying the main maturity models developed in the health area, the similarities, and gaps between them, identifying which are the Influencing Factors and, the other one, is to identify the lessons learned during the Covid-19 pandemic. In a pandemic scenario, the health sectors demonstrated the importance of the resilience, in which health systems had to adapt abruptly, considering physical structures; professional management; patient safety; supply chain and; technologies. Technologies, played an essential role to mitigating the pressure that health systems faced due to the increase in health costs, growth of chronic diseases, population aging, population’s expectation for more personalized health and, added to that, the confrontation of Covid-19 pandemic. In this sense, we identified the lack of maturity models that address the adversities that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic in health systems for better hospital management and avoid the pressure to which they could be subjected again.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    LCA to support decision-making in layout designs

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    Introduction The economic impact of environmental regulations in the manufacturing sector and the increasing costs of primary resources have pressured companies wishing to obtain competitive advantages to seek ways to rationalize these resources, either through changes in products specifications or in manufacturing process. These actions depend on solutions that should consider the limits set out in the interdependencies between economic, environmental and social areas, which comprise the so-called sustainability tripod. In this case, the guiding principle for decisions should follow the approach of sustainable development. For this purpose, a proper performance indicators evaluation of processes is a great step to improvement actions and decision making for modifications. Continuous improvement approaches and support of mathematical tools, such as the Discrete Event Simulation (DES) have been used for identifying waste on the shop floor and for cost analyses for manufacturing optimization (Standridge et al. 2006). One of the advantages resulting from the application of DES in corporations is its capability to include the impact of randomness in a system. All the dynamics and the non-deterministic nature of the parameters eliminate the use of static tools such as spreadsheets for solving many line design problems. Furthermore, all commercial simulation software provides detailed animation capabilities. The animation of the manufacturing process and flow can help engineers to visually detect problems or bottlenecks and also to test out alternate line designs. For this reason, the DES may be applied to generate requirements and sustainable systems specifications for manufacturing. However, the analyses results performed by using DES are not sufficient for the joint assessment of impacts on the three dimensions of sustainability (Johansson et al. 2010; Kuhl & Zhou 2009; Joschko et al. 2009). A tool widely used in the academic environment and by corporations to calculate pollutant emissions rates in the product life cycle is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). This can supplement cost assessments performed with DES in the production process phase. This work discusses the combined use of DES with LCA to analyze production resources utilization in manufacturing systems. Towards this end, it seeks through a case study to analyze this joint use in decision-making for purchasing forklifts, according to sustainable premises

    Strategic Management Method for the Incubation Process of Industrial Companies: Case Study of the Tooling Industry in Brazil

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    AbstractIndustrial competitiveness has required from companies elevated quality standards, cost reduction and a high capacity of delivery. Within this scenario, an important industrial segment has a fundamental role: the tool and die industry. Tools and dies are resources that are fit to a specific task and are either produced as a single-unit batch or intermittently according to demand. Generally, this industrial segment has demonstrated low competitiveness, which in turn affects the performance of other production chains that rely on it. This is the case of the plastic transformation and metalworking industry, especially when forged and stamped parts are considered. This low competitiveness is a consequence of the deficient corporate structure found in these companies, which results in lack of compliance to quality standards, high costs and long delivery times. Besides the support given to current tool-and-die making clusters, a decentralization structuring project of this industry to other regions of Brazil is necessary. This need is illustrated by new automotive and other consumer goods production plants that have recently started operating in the northeast and central regions of Brazil. In order to contribute to this issue, this article proposes a strategic management model for the incubation process of industrial companies that comply with competitiveness standards required by current market demands. Besides the usual difficulties related to incubation and the creation of any enterprise, the tooling industry faces an additional obstacle related to investment in assets (buildings, machinery, and software). Therefore, a nucleation process based on an existing structure that will be shared by several companies is proposed (IDS – Industrial Development Structure). This structure shall be preferably established on an ICT (Brazilian denomination for Science and Technology Institutes) that shall contribute with professional training (tool and die making) and specialized services (e.g. metrology and tool tryouts)


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    A demanda por produtos sustentáveis, principalmente devido à pressão dasociedade e à escassez de recursos naturais ou de regulamentações, vem setornando um mercado atrativo aos consumidores. O governo brasileiro estádiscutindo a regulamentação sobre compras governamentais sustentáveiscom a indústria para conhecer as particularidades de cada setor e estabelecerestratégias de atuação. Esta pesquisa propõe um método para identificarrequisitos de sustentabilidade utilizando a ferramenta de mapas cognitivos,na visão do setor industrial têxtil e de confecção, para servir de subsídio nasdiscussões e negociações governamentais e que possam ser utilizados comoreferência para esse setor. Como resultado, foram listados para as dimensõesambiental, social, econômica e tecnológica, respectivamente, 16, 19, 11e 8 requisitos. Com isso, essa pesquisa pode auxiliar o setor em estudo adefinir os critérios de sustentabilidade para seus produtos e ainda identificaroutros requisitos que devem ser incluídos e priorizados nas discussões sobrecompras públicas sustentáveis.The demand for sustainable goods, due to the public pressure and the scarcity of resources or regulation, is making the market more attractive to consumers. To understand the specificities of each sector and establish appropriate strategies, the Brazilian government is discussing the regulation of sustainable public procurement with the industry. The present study presents a method to identify sustainable requests by using the cognitive map tool for the textile and clothing industries. Its aim is to support debates and governmental negotiations that could be used as references to the sector. As a result, for the environmental, social, economic and technological dimension, 16, 19, 11 and 8 requirements were listed, respectively. Therefore, this study could help the textile and clothing sector define the sustainability criteria for their goods and identify other requests that should be included and prioritized in the debates on sustainable public procurement

    Evaluation of Technological Trends and Demands of the Manufacturing Industry to a Center of R&D&I

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    The manufacturing industry is fairly representative in the Brazilian economy. The research activities in technology, development and innovation promoted by technology centers are of great importance to boost the competitiveness of this segment. In this context, this work aims presenting the development of the strategic planning for a Center of R&D&I (Research & Development & Innovation), looking 20 years ahead, on a macro level, creating a master plan which summarizes the future focus areas of competence for technology research, development and innovation, coping with manufacturing trends, using a participative workshop approach. Thus, it is expected that this center offer integrated technological solutions with high added value that promote the development and competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, in the prospects for medium and long term. In order to achieve the project objectives taking the principle of strategic planning was followed. On the one hand, focus was placed on the internal perspective analyzing the current status of the Center. On the other hand, the environment of the Center (external perspective) was analyzed. Matching the analysis results regarding both perspectives future competence areas were derived, according to global technological trends as well as national and local industrial demand. Thus, the competencies required to be developed by a technology center to meet the manufacturing industry over the next twenty years would be derived